Autumn in South Korea and a Poem

A Day In Autumn, by Ronald Stuart Thomas It will not always be like this, The air windless, a few last Leaves adding their decoration To the trees’ shoulders, braiding the cuffs Of the boughs with gold; a bird preening In the lawn’s mirror. Having looked up From the day’s chores, pause a minute, Let the... Continue Reading →

Autumn 2020 in Seoul

Fall, Leaves, Fall Emily Brontë Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;Lengthen night and shorten day;Every leaf speaks bliss to meFluttering from the autumn tree.I shall smile when wreaths of snowBlossom where the rose should grow;I shall sing when night’s decayUshers in a drearier day.

November 2020 Update

I am still at 66kg. I am glad to be maintaining my weight. I am now a size 6 US/ 38 EUR and can wear a size small. I still have fears of weight gain and I am working on this. Biden won the 2020 Election. I am filled with joy. The election taught me... Continue Reading →

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